Worshipping the Lord is central to and the chief goal of the Christian life. We are also called to worship the Lord in song, and through sitting under the preaching/teaching of God’s Word. We have two chapel services every Wednesday: one for grades K–3 (9:00 am), and another for the upper grades 4–8 (10:30 am).
Student Council is made up of Middle School students who are elected to serve the student body, member’s include president, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, safety, publicity, student Store, chaplain.
The overall purpose of the Student Council is to plan, organize, publicize and direct student activities, and it provides middle schoolers with an excellent opportunity to develop important leadership skills and gain valuable real-life experience that will serve to help them in their lives & careers.

MCS currently offers an after-school co-ed sports program for 5th through 8th graders for various sports including flag football, basketball, soccer, and volleyball. We are also part of local Christian school sports along with several other Christian schools in our area.