In the late 1960s, the leaders of Montebello Christian Fellowship (then First Baptist Church of Montebello) had a vision to start a Christian school ministry. Pastor Robert Kennedy and Dr. Herb Hammond and a few others saw a tremendous gospel opportunity in their community to evangelize young people and families by building and starting a private Christian school on the church’s campus.
The plan was in motion, facilities constructed, but one important thing was missing—a principal. In early 1970 God led a kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Marty Hindalong to apply for a teaching position as the church leadership and school board begin recruiting staff/faculty. Pastor Robert and Dr. Hammond were so impressed with her faithfulness, personality, and potential, that they offered her the role of principal-teacher during the school’s inaugural year, 1970–71.
There were 23 students enrolled that first year, and over the next few years, Mrs. Hindalong received her administrator’s credential while enrollment began to rapidly increase. Her husband, Mrs. Paul Hindalong was hired as the Minster of Education at the church, and by 1980, was hired by the school in one of the most unique partnerships imaginable, co-principal along with his wife.
Together, with their combined education expertise and complimentary giftedness in administration, the school flourished. They developed a culture of academic excellence, faithful character formation and discipleship of students, and high parent satisfaction. In fact, for most of their 20-year tenure from 1980–2000 as Co-Administrators, enrollment was so full, that there were hundreds of students on a waitlist just to get in!
Their motto was one of complete trust in and service to the Lord. “If the Lord called us to this ministry, then we’ll serve him by educating these children from a Christian worldview, all to his glory.”
Mr. and Mrs. Hindalong have left an indelible legacy that runs through our school’s history since 1970. It is this legacy that flows through the veins of the leadership, faculty, and staff at our school. One of academic excellence, biblical faithfulness, and that aims to make the parent/student experience as rewarding/enriching as possible, all by the grace of God.
At MCS, we value the unique gifts, talents, and personalities of our students. We seek to facilitate each student’s individual growth and development in four areas: academic, spiritual, physical and social. Our curriculum is comprehensive and Bible-based, focusing on the Arts, Sciences, English, Math, and History, all taught using diverse learning method and techniques, including one-on-one and group instruction from kindergarten through eighth grade.
To partner with parents in providing a learning environment conducive to each student’s unique giftedness from a Biblical-Christian worldview that they might grow up, respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ in faith, and positively impact their communities, churches, and the world.
Everything we do as a Christian school is governed by two core values:
We are working to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ (Matt 28:18–20) by embracing our students with gospel and biblical truth, that they might believe in and follow him (Rom 10:9; John 8:31) and proclaim him to others (2 Cor 4:5).

All our students have infinite value, being uniquely and wonderfully made in the image of God (Gen 1:27; Psalm 139:14).
Every decision we make is filtered through the lens of the student experience, and the parents who are entrusting them to us. Unity in diversity is the central tenet in our church/school community (Gal 3:28; 1 Cor 12:4–6).